
Citibank | Razorfish

Citibank | Razorfish

Web Design + Brand Application

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Razorfish is an Austin-Based design agency that works with many clients all over the world, including Citibank. Designing in financial tech is interesting in that there are so many restrictions, but the longer i worked in it, i learned how to play within the bounds. Below, you’ll see examples of webpages below that I’ve designed not only within the Citibank guidelines, but within the guidelines of the design system they use for these pages.


Diamond Preferred Card


American Airlines MileUp Card


Citi Premier Card


In this page, we were tasked with showing the benefits of the card, while also showing the above-the-line brand language in a way that wasn’t as cluttered or distracting as the proposed direction. I created a comp of this simple animation and with my page design to show how we could seamlessly have the message on the left evolve as the user scrolls the page, which sold helped us sell the idea to the client.




Costco In-Store Purchase Path