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SIGHTSEA Water Tours

Branding + Identity + App Design


An opportunity arose to create a concept for a destination water touring company with a wide customer base. The brand needed to be attractive to adults and children while simultaneously reflecting the price point; this meant designing for a family friendly business while avoiding being too juvenile or hokey. Another key factor during this process was ensuring this experience could stand apart from other family tours, which inspired the concept of the Seasights app.


Ideation began with a brainstorm of as many symbols, icons, and potential logos to give myself a wide variety of brand personality. Next a series of more developed and researched logos was created. As you can see, the name of the company was “Looksea” at the time, then later refined to Sightsea.

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There was an array of different directions the brand could have gone, all nautically themed. Varying levels of fun, corporate, and some outright silly directions were explored. One of the standouts seemed to be the eye-based logo, although it needed quite a bit of finessing before it felt right. Subtly referencing the eye, instead of a literal depiction, was a step in the right direction. The final result feels both modern and friendly.


With a lighthearted (and a bit punny) name and an inviting array of blues, Sightsea gained a mature, contemporary look. The tagline "See all there is to Sea" inspires adventure and emphasizes fun. 


Stationery & Tickets


Seasights App


The Seasights application is designed to accompany the user on their Sightsea tour. Upon logging into the app, the
user is able to select their tour and capture photos of the nearby creatures and landmarks. The app scans each photo, and if it can identify one of the predetermined sights for that tour, it unlocks facts that the user can
read and enjoy. Try the prototype here: